READ ACTS 2:42-47
Take time to individually answer the questions with your group.
- Acts 2:42 gives us four things the early church devoted themselves to; The study of God’s Word, Fellowship (eating and serving together), Breaking Bread (Communion), and Prayer. Which of these things do you personally look forward to the most when you gather with believers?
- Acts 2:45 gives a picture of how the church practiced generosity. Has there been a time in your life when the generosity of someone else had an impact on your personal faith?
- Has the practice of being generous with your time or you finances impacted your faith this year? If so, how?
- The bible talks about how God blessed the early Church with numerical growth. What can your group do to be good stewards of JC3 as it grows?
End your time in prayer. Let God lead your group on what to pray for.