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    JC3 Growth

    The second class in our JC3 Series (landing between JC3 Basics and JC3 University) is the JC3 Growth Class. In this 3-week class, Dr. Jeff Greco will discuss the mission and vision of the church in a way that can help all Christians grow in their faith and connect more with God. Topics will include the spiritual disciplines applied specifically to our three-prong motto of;  LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE, AND SERVE THE WORLD!   This class will meet Feb. 26, March 5, and March 12. 

    Wednesdays -- 6:30pm -- Gathering Place 1 (GP1)

    Group Leaders: Greg Schloesser; gschloesser@gmail.com & Chad Morris; chad@jeffcitychurch.com

  • Grief Group

    This group is designed for those that have experienced grief and loss in a variety of ways.  Grief and loss can look vastly different, but one common thread that bonds this group's individuals is the impact that our life experiences have had on our lives.  We invite those dealing with or have experienced grief/loss to come experience support and encouragement from one another and our God.

    2nd Sunday of Each Month -- The Loft Room 4  -- 11AM

    Group Leader: Christine Decker, christinedckr@yahoo.com

  • Listening hearts

    Listening Hearts - A grieving moms' support group for those who have lost children of all ages.  

    The JC3 Listening Hearts Chapter is a part of the nation-wide organization.  More information can be found at https://listeningheartsmoms.org.

    1st Saturday of every month -- 10am-12pm -- The Loft Room 1

    Group Leader: Vicki Carter, vickigcarter@gmail.com

  • Overcomer

    Addiction Group

    Overcomer's is a support and accountability group focusing on addiction. This group is for those who may be currently struggling with an addiction of any kind, have previously fought an addiction, or has a family member battling an addiction.  Some examples may include: alcohol, sexual, gambling, drugs, anger, etc.

    MONDAYS -- 7:00pm -- JC3

    Group Leader:  Brad Amundson, bradamundson87@gmail.com

  • Single On Sunday

    A group designed for women who are widowed, divorced, or not married.  This group is designed for connection, fellowship, and support. If interested, please contact Joan Terry. 

    Group Leader: Joan Terry, jterry9724@aol.com


    JC3 Deaf Ministry

    If interested in learning sign language or serving our deaf community please contact Larkin Keller.

    Group Leader: Larkin Keller, prayn4you@mail.com

  • college-age/Career group

    This group is for college-age and 20 somethings.  They meet weekly on the top floor in "The Loft" Room 2. 

    Sundays -- 11:00 am -- Loft Rm. 2

    Group Leader: Jacob Leimeister, jacob@jeffcitychurch.com, Ben & Diana Price

  • Men's Bible Study


    This study will look at differing leaders from the Bible and to see how we can apply some of these amazing characteristics to our lives...and some that we shouldn't! 

    WEDNESDAYS -- 6:30pm -- Gathering Place 3 (GP3)

    Group Leader: Jeff Greco, jeff@jeffcitychurch.com

  • Men's Prayer Breakfast

    Get your morning started out right- Come for prayer, devotion, breakfast, and fellowship!  This group is for men of all ages and meets at 7am in the Multipurpose Room (MPR) every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. 

    2nd & 4th TUESDAYS -- 7am -- MPR (Multi-Purpose Room)

    (2025 Men's Prayer Breakfast will begin in the February)

    Group Leader: Luke Emmert, luke@jeffcitychurch.com

  • Monday Morning

    Women's Bible Study -- "Sip & Seek"

    This group is open to any woman looking for fellowship and growing in their walk with our God!  Come sip on a hot drink and seek after what the Lord has in store for us!

    Mondays -- 10:00am -- 60 Beans (Jeff City)

    Group Leader: Gabby Amundson, granzino10@gmail.com

  • Wednesday Morning

    Women's Bible Study Group

    A morning study for all women:

    In today's busy world, we're wired to appear "fine," warding off authenticity and shielding ourselves from judgment. We hide behind the hum of busyness to escape intimate friendships with the women God has placed in our lives. But we do want a seat at the table. We yearn for authentic relationships and the opportunity to be the opposite of "fine" with people who cheer for us. But comparison, envy, and entitlement often stop us from pulling out a chair at the table. Friendship can be hard, making new friends even harder, and maintaining genuine friendship the hardest of all. In this 7-session Bible study, Lisa-Jo Baker will help us explore our relationship with Jesus as the ultimate model for authentic friendship.

    We Saved You a Seat: Finding a Keeping Lasting Friendships

    Wednesdays -- 10am -- Gathering Place (GP3)

    Group Leader: Susan Spina, susanspina@comcast.net

  • Wednesday Evening

    Women's Bible Study Group

    An evening Bible Study for women: 

    In today's busy world, we're wired to appear "fine," warding off authenticity and shielding ourselves from judgment. We hide behind the hum of busyness to escape intimate friendships with the women God has placed in our lives. But we do want a seat at the table. We yearn for authentic relationships and the opportunity to be the opposite of "fine" with people who cheer for us. But comparison, envy, and entitlement often stop us from pulling out a chair at the table. Friendship can be hard, making new friends even harder, and maintaining genuine friendship the hardest of all. In this 7-session Bible study, Lisa-Jo Baker will help us explore our relationship with Jesus as the ultimate model for authentic friendship.

    We Saved You a Seat: Finding a Keeping Lasting Friendships

    Wednesdays -- 6:30pm -- The Loft

    Group Leader: Leah Whitus, lrwhitus@gmail.com

  • Sunday Morning

    Adult Bible Study - "The LaunchPad"

    CURRENT STUDY: The Historical Books of the Bible (Focusing on 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra & Nehemiah) 

    SUNDAYS -- 11am -- GP3 (Gathering Place Room #3)

    Group Leaders: Jeff Greco, Jeff@jeffcitychurch.com & Melissa Greco

  • Boomers & Shakers

    Boomers & Shakers is our ministry for retired and semi-retired individuals.  Join us in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) on Sundays at 9:30am for Bible Study. A potluck fellowship breakfast occurs one Sunday per month. There will also be several outings/events planned throughout the year for fellowship, fun, service, and worship.  

    Group Contact: Jim Smith or Jim Gates

  • Kidsway (Infant - 4th grade)


    • Infant care as well as Christian Programming for Pre-K-4th grade.  
    • 9:30am programming consists of a Bible lesson and a craft or activity.  
    • 11am programming consists of musical worship, interactive Bible lesson, and activities. 
    • Scheduled during the 9:30am & 11am JC3 Worship Services  


    • Wednesday KidsWay programming (Age 2 - 4th Grade) 
    • Dinner--  6:15pm ($2 Love Offering)
    • Programming--  *6:40-7:30pm

    *Additional childcare will be provided until 8pm for parents/guardians participating in adult groups or for families with additional children in The Ride or in the Student Ministry. 

    Group Leader: Barbie Dyer, barbie@jeffcitychurch.com

  • The Ride (5th - 6th grade)

    The Ride is our pre-teen ministry dedicated to growing 5th & 6th graders (tweens) in their relationship with Jesus Christ and others. 


    • Worship with the JC3 congregation and then study God's Word together in a small group dedicated specifically for our Pre-Teens.
    • 9:30am in Loft Room #4


    • (If eating, a $2 love offering is requested) 
    • Small Groups consist of games, interaction, a Bible lesson, and discussion questions to grow deeper in their faith. 
    • Service & Fellowship outings are scheduled periodically throughout the year. 
    • Wednesdays at 6:30pm in Loft Rooms #3 & 4

    A pre-teen dedicated conference called, SuperStart is a highlight kicking-off each new year!

    Group Contact: Barbie Dyer, barbie@jeffcitychurch.com

    Group Facilitators: Joey & Rhiannon Braswell, Sarah Reno, Elizabeth Mounts, Carla Provenzano, Josh & Trisha Kelley, Brodie Waddell, Rhett Alger, Chad Morris, & Luke Emmert

  • Rooted & Greenhouse (7th - 12th Grade)


    Rooted (Formally Deeper Life)- 9:30am-- Rooted challenges and teaches students to dig deeper into the Bible for themselves, discover what the Bible has to say about their lives, and provides encouragement for their everyday life.  Rooted meets every Sunday morning on the top floor in "The Loft" -- Breakout Rooms (Loft 1 & 2).  


    Greenhouse (Formally Lighthouse)- 6:00pm-- A Greenhouse is a place where plants are nurtured to grow. These plants may differ in size, type, and age, but are still plants growing together. Greenhouse is designed to be a place where students who are either young (or mature) in their faith can come to an environment that is specifically built for them to grow. It is a place where they can develop, with like-minded people, all pursuing one common goal: to grow in their faith.

    • Greenhouse meets in The Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) 
    • Consists of Teaching, Games, Fellowship, Prayer, and various Weekly Worship Elements

    "Open Gym"/Hang out-- 6:00pm

    Dinner-- 6:15pm ($2 Love Offering Requested)

    Programming-- 6:45-8:00pm

    Group Leader: Jacob Leimeister, jacob@jeffcitychurch.com


    Parent Life is our life group for moms and dads in the midst of starting or raising a family (children from birth through high school). Our Parent Life Life Group meets on

    SUNDAYS -- 9:30am -- Gathering Place Room #1 (GP1)

    Group Leaders: Chad Morris, chad@jeffcitychurch.com & Mary Morris

  • Home groups

    We have a limited number of Home Groups currently meeting.  We would love to grow this number.  If you are interested in joining a Home Group or starting a group please contact Jeff Greco.

    Group Leader: Jeff Greco, jeff@jeffcitychurchurch.com

  • Operation christmas child (OCC) Service group

    A group dedicated to bringing joy and true hope to children around the world. Their year-long efforts help to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to provide  practical as well as fun items for Christmas.

    Group Leaders: Robin Casey & Jen Alger

  • JC3 Motorcycle Fellowship

    This group is for those who love to ride motorcycles and desire a fun Christian atmosphere while encouraging one another and meeting new individuals.  This group rides periodically.  If you would like to ride or have questions please contact Vince Smith.

    Group Leader: Vince Smith, vincesmith2020@yahoo.com